jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

The Facebook

Everyday is in the facebook. The facebook is an escencial too for everyday's. In the facebook the teneigers put pictures from parties and publish comments from the parties. The facebook I think that facebook is a moment the ideal to meet boys and grils. In the facebook everbody sees the publications that you write, because people use the facebook for gossip be nosey. Also boys grils always publish the relations of the moment. People also always arrange events for paries and birthays.
I don't know what we did before facebook in fact I don't know what we did before computers and mobile phones.
Before people worte letters to family and friens everymonth and they were happy. At the moment we need comunication everymoment because is escencial to survive. But it isn't nesessary I don't agree with social webs, in the world there is too much comunication.

Spanish song for facebook

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